We don't keep up with News Announcement
Please either view Weekly Bulletin or
Media Gallery
QTEC 40 years' Anniversary Journal
Thanks to those who provides photos
and/or videos for our 40 years'
anniversary journal. They are Eric Chien,
Scott Chu, Susan Pan, Susan Liu, 徐惠敏,陳卓毅(Joe
Chen), Sophia Kim, 楊瑞慶(RC Yang),
The more precious are those articles and
works from the following brothers and sisters:
張哲雄 李建華 潘周曉霞 (Susan
蔡汀元(Martin Tsai)


Ghee Lan Assoc of USA Announcement
After the pandemic is over, we start our annual ceremony right away on 1/2/2023.
Now, our annual journal is ready too. While the hard copies will be sent to you soon,
the electronic version is on the right. Please click the cover page to view or download.


After recognizing the fast increasing cases in China and some cases in Taiwan,
on February 6, Thursday, we had a teleconference discuss current situation and our approaches:
The world wide pandemic would be non-evitable, and we were unlikely to hold our annual ceremony.
However, all are encouraged to contribute their art works or articles, especially about their young times.
To review/download photos or videos, here are links:
Premier Yu visiting NYC
Outing to Steppingstone Park
2019 Annual Ceremony


COVID-19 Pandemic Statistics Around You, Your Counties, Countries
紐約聖教會2019年夏令營 (QTEC Summer Retreat 2019) 7/05 - 7/07
05/12/2019 Sunday 010:00PM
To Take Care of Your Premises
01/27/2019 Sunday 10:00AM
幸福慶典 --- 真正的幸福
~舒展 二胡音樂見證~
日期: 星期日 1/27/2019 10:00AM
地點: 40-31 165 St. Flushing NY 11358
01/12/2019 Sat 12-4PM
Gheelan Association of USA is holding
Annual Ceremony and Treating Taiwanese Overseas Students
at Taiwan Center (137-44 Northern Blvd., Flushing, NY 11354)
Please register first.
Download the registration form , fill up and email back to us
2018 Annual Journal of Gheelan Assoc of USA

06/23/2018 Sat
Gheelan Association of USA is going to have
Outing to Paterson Great Falls in North Jersey
Please register first
Directions: From Long Island
2018 Annual Journal of Gheelan Assoc of USA

11/11 周六下午 3 點到 8 點 在教會所舉辦的感恩聚餐。
11/11 活動的宣傳單張,
電子郵件 email 報名:outreach@qtecnyc.org

Seminar - How to prevent dementia? (如何預防失智症?)
By Emily Sun, DO
Penn State Hershey Medical Center
紐約聖教會2017年夏令營 (QTEC Summer Retreat 2017) 7/07 - 7/09
聖教會奪得 一年一度的大紐約區台灣教會聯誼會 乒乓球賽公開組第二名 及女子組第三名。

願 神賜福於有耳可聽、也渴望聆聽 神的人!

將於 七月卅一日

紐約聖教會2016年夏令營 (QTEC Summer Retreat 2016) 7/08 - 7/10
2016 Retreat Flyer
2016 Retreat Speakers Intruction
Retreat Registration Form (*.doc)
Retreat Liability Release Agreement
Text Direction
Whole Route
In Manhanttan
Near destination
Alternative Route Near destination
Campus Map (New Style)
Campus Map (Old Style)
Retreat Program Booklet Cover
Retreat Program Booklet Content
聖教會奪得 一年一度的大紐約區基督教會乒乓球聯誼賽冠軍。
聖教會奪得 一年一度的大紐約區台灣教會聯誼會 乒乓球賽公開組第三名 及女子組第三名。
亞東劇團 5/15在聖教會可以演出的劇碼:《阿雖衰到家》。
基督教紐約聖教會- 會內乒乓球賽 揭曉
Queens Taiwanese Evangelical Church
Intra-Church Ping Pong Tournament Results
2016/01/30 週六 Friday 9:00Am - 5:30 P.M.
Queens Taiwanese Evangelical Church
Christmas Ceremony Service
2015/12/25 週五 Friday 5:30 P.M.
邀請卡 Invitation Card
Queens Taiwanese Evangelical Church
Baptism and Testimony Service
2015/11/28 週六 Saturday 7:30 P.M.
程序單 Program
紐約聖教會2015年夏令營 (QTEC Summer Retreat 2015) 7/10 - 7/12
PreConference Notice (html)
Word Format (*.doc)
Acrobat Format (*.pdf)
Text Direction
Whole Route
In Manhanttan
Near destination
Alternative Route Near destination
Campus Map
Liability Release Agreement
Parent/Guardian Consent Form (
pdf format) (
Word format)
Program Cover and Retreat Schedule
Retreat Program Booklet Content
2014-2015 Insurance Package Adding Retreat AI
COI for DeSales University 2015-06-23
Our Lovely Girl, Samantha Yu, has a request for voting over internet for her Scholarship.
Please Click to Vote!
Message For 2015 Mothers Day By Pastor TsengMiMa (好好說話 · 暖暖親情)
Video referred
2015 Intra-Church Ping Pong Tournament Results
QTEC 30th Anniversary Journal
Anniversary Celebration Series:
時間 Date & Time
系列名稱 Series
內容 Content
12/07 (日)上午10點
12/14 (日)上午10點
12/19-21 (五-日)
4 -宣教年會Mission Conference
講員:張路加牧師Rev. Luke Zhang
•12/19 (五)晚上8-10點
•佈道信息(一): 敢問情為何物?
•12/20 (六)下午3-5點
•宣教信息(一): 生命與使命
•12/20 (六)晚上7-9點
•12/21 (日) 上午10點
12/24 (三)晚上6-10點
聖誕夜Christmas Eve
The 30th Anniversary Ceremony on Nov. 29, 2014 @3PM.
---- Program
9/27-28(六-日) 教會特別邀請台灣首屈一指的精神醫學教授陸汝斌教授專題講座及主日信息分享,
時間 | 地點 | 講題 |
特別講座 | 紐約聖教會 | 解壓有妙方,好眠有真望 |
早午合堂崇拜 | 紐約聖教會 | 軟弱與剛強 |
9/26週五7-8:30pm | 角聲福音廣場
(42-35 Main St) | 情緒管理講座 |
紐約聖教會2014年夏令營 (QTEC Summer Retreat 2014)
2014 QTEC Summer Camp Flyer
Program Cover and Retreat Schedule
Retreat Program Booklet
PreConference Notice (html)
Word Format (*.doc)
Acrobat Format (*.pdf)
Text Direction
Whole Route
In Manhanttan
Near destination
Campus Map
Liability Release Agreement
2014 Registration Form
Our Lovely Girl, Samantha Yu, has a request for voting over internet for her Scholarship.
Please Click to Vote!
歡迎您參加福音營 Welcome to the Gospel Camp
---- 時間: 8/30 4:30PM (報到) – 9/2 2:00 PM (離營)
---- 營地: Harvey Cedars Bible Conference, Harvey Cedars, NJ 08008, Tel 609-494-5689
(12 Cedars Avenue, Harvey Cedars, NJ 08008-5719)
---- Invitation Letter
---- Gospel Camp Poster
---- Prayer Letter
---- Registration Form
---- Schedule
---- Speakers
---- 2013 GC 2nd Co-worker Meeting Minutes
---- 2013 Gospel Camp Web Site for Directions
---- 2013 Gospel Camp Map
---- Accompaniers' Guide
---- Small Group Leaders' Guide
---- Small Group Coworkers' Guide
紐約聖教會2013年夏令營 (QTEC Summer Retreat 2013)
Retreat Program Schedue
PreConference Notice (html)
Word Format (*.doc)
Text Direction
Whole route
In Manhanttan
Near destination
Campus Map
Liability Release Agreement
2013 Registration Form
歡迎您參加 「聖誕音樂佈道會 」
---- 主題: 「何處才有好消息?」
---- 時間: 12/24 Monday 7:30PM
---- 地點: QTEC, 40-31 165th Street, Flushing, NY 11458
---- 聯繫: 尤陽生牧師
請帶新朋友一起來認識並領受 神的愛。教會備有精美小禮物,送給當晚前來參加的新朋友。
歡迎您參加福音營 Welcome to the Gospel Camp
---- 時間: 8/31 4:30PM (報到) – 9/3 2:00 PM (離營)
---- 營地: Harvey Cedars Bible Conference, Harvey Cedars, NJ 08008, Tel 609-494-5689
(12 Cedars Avenue, Harvey Cedars, NJ 08008-5719)
---- Invitation Letter
---- Invitation Cards
---- Prayer Letter
---- Registration Form
---- Schedule
---- Speakers And Subjects
---- 2012 GC 2nd Co-worker Meeting Minutes
---- 2012 Gospel Camp Web Site for Directions and Camp Map
Results of the Intra Church Table Tennis Tournament on 01/28/2012 Saturday 9:00AM - 4:00PM ...
---- There are 3 events - Open, Female and Youth
---- Photos And Videos
---- | Event | First Place | Second Place | Third Place | Fouth Place |
---- | Open - | 羅 丁 | 林家志 (Charles Lin) | 王衍翰 (Eric Wang) 綦健 | 尤陽生 牧師 (Pastor Yu) 陳明源 (Ben Chen) 陳鴻成 (Daniel Chen) 朱世杰 (Scott Chu) |
---- | Female - | 徐惠敏 | 張美琴 (Megan Chang) | 蘇夕棻 | 王秀華
王淑貞 邵順秀 |
---- | Youth - | Justin Liu | Albert Liu | Caleb Chien | -------- |
,一同歡慶一位奇妙嬰孩的誕生,他為你我而來,充滿了愛與恩典 …
Merry Christmas! Please join us in celebration of the birth of Christ. He has come for you and I, full of love and grace¡K
We don't keep up with News Announcement
Please either view Weekly Bulletin or
Media Gallery
QTEC Children Vacation Bible Camp
紐約聖教會2011年夏令營 (QTEC Summer Retreat 2011)
Text Direction
Whole route
In Manhanttan
Near destination
Campus Map
Prayer Request from Kimberly
Street Missions in Flushing on 5/21/2011
QTEC Table Tennis Tournament - 20110129
Christmas Ceremony - 20101224
Mrs. Kao's Sharing - 20101217
Part 1
Part 2
Cancer Patient Sharing - 20101016
Part 1
Part 2
Kimberly's Sharing and Prayer Request - 20101130
Kimberly's Sharing and Prayer Request - 20101017
一、 紐約基督徒聯禱會與紐約角聲使命中心聯合主辦。
二、 聚會地點:角聲使命中心。
三、 聚會地址:156-03 Horace Harding Expressway, Flushing, NY 11367, USA
四、 聚會電話: (718) 359-2030
五、 聚會內容:
(二)、十月二十三(週六)早上10:00 至 12:00個人傳道訓練
(三)、十月二十三(週六)下午 1:00 至 3:00同工造就聚會
(四)、十月二十三(週六)晚上 7:00 至 9:00『生命之歌』音樂佈道會
六、 聯絡人:台北讀經會北美代理 林家豪 弟兄 718-663-1199
紐約新城歸正長老教會 陳永建 牧師 718-509-9059
竭誠歡迎您參加今年 11/6/2010 (星期六) 台灣宣教基金會精彩又免票價(有位姐妹愛心奉獻)的感恩大會.
You are cordially invited to the TMF 11/6/2010 (Sat.) Thanksgiving Convention
with wonderful program and free tickets donated by a sister.
時間(Date): 2 0 1 0年1 1月6日 (週六) 上午1 0 : 0 0 a m -下午4 : 0 0 p m
地點(Place): 紐約白石鎮以馬內利路德會學校體育館
地址: 1 2 - 1 0 1 5 0 S t r e e t , Wh i t e s t o n e , N e w Y o r k 1 1 3 5 7
免費入場卷 (已有愛心姐妹捐獻,票價全免,但仍需憑票入場)
索票聯絡電話: 楊碧穗718-216-6314; 杜立欣716-863-3005; 何佩青917-378-5453; 張綺益917-561-6685;
謝謝紐約台灣會館也代發100張, 歡迎索取718-445-7007。(也可向大紐約各台灣教會訊問)
Bilingual Flyer
Invitation Letter
美東華人 靈力事奉培訓課程
地點 (Place): 紐約聖教會 Queens Taiwanese Evangelical Church
40-31 165th Street, Flushing, New York 11358
日期 (Date): 2010年9月22 ~ 25 (週三至週六)
SEPTEMBER 22 ~ 25, 2010(Wed. ~ Sat.)
報名表Registration Form

What we were in 2007 VBC
----- QTEC 2010 Vacation Bible Camp, (8/23 ~8/27) for kids in the age 5 to 12
----- The camp will be a fun and creative Bible learning experience for all the kids.
----- 2010年兒童聖經夏令營(8/23~8/27),如果您有親戚或朋友有小孩五歲至十二歲的話,請將此傳單和報名表傳給們並邀請他們讓他們的孩子來參加。
----- 本營會將會讓所有的孩子有一個既好玩又有創意的聖經學習經歷。
----- 請盡早報名。提早優惠報名結止日期是七月二十五日。我們也將於七月二十五日 在提早報名的名單中選出一位免費報名者
----- Flyer and Registration Form 傳單和報名表
Table Tennis Resolution 2010
Church's Summer Retreat 7/03 Friday 12PM - 7/05 Sunday 2PM ...
---- Schedule
---- Messages
---- At Rosendale Retreat Center
---- 288 Whiteport Rd., Kingston, NY 12401
---- (NY Thruway 87 North Exit 18)
---- Best Route
---- Driving Directions/map from NY Thruway 87 North Exit 18
---- Note: There will be 10.4 miles on NY-32.
---- Complete Driving Directions/map from NY Thruway 87 North Exit 18
---- Please notice that the yellow route in page1 and page2 will have less traffic with little shorter length to the original purple route
---- Page1 from NY Thruway 87 North Exit 18
---- Page2 from NY Thruway 87 North Exit 18
---- Page3 from NY Thruway 87 North Exit 18
---- Please notice that the yellow route in page4 and page5 is the one given by preparatory committe and shorter
---- Page4 from NY Thruway 87 North Exit 18
---- Page5 from NY Thruway 87 North Exit 18
---- Camp Site Map
---- Flyer
---- Registration Form - Soon
---- Liability Release Agreement - Soon
FTCCNY Seniors Parents Day Ceremony on 6/11/2010
Sunday Service at Passport to Taiwan Event on 5/30/2010 at Union Square
Letter from Employee of Foxconn (FuShiKong)
Miss Pauline Chiang (蔣海瓊)
Good Neighbors Bazaar and Free Community Health Fair
on 5/8 Saturday in QTEC
----- Review
----- QTEC 2010 Marriage Enrichment Workshop
From 4/30 (Friday) to 5/2(Sunday) in QTEC
----- Review
Cross Church Table Tennis Tournament results are:
----- Female Team: 3rd Place
----- Youth Team: 2nd Place
Thanks to all the players and cheer team,
We are proud of ourselves and have tried our best, and as always, we are the best in team work.
Letters from Pastor Yu
Results of the Intra Church Table Tennis Tournament 01/16/10 Saturday 9:00AM - 5:00PM ...
---- There are 9 events
---- | Event | First Place | Second Place | Third Place |
---- | Men's Above 50 - | 尤陽生 牧師 (Pastor Yu) | 戎嗣定 | - |
---- | Men's Under 50 - | 林家志 (Charles Lin) | Harry Kao | 王宇恆 (Ken Wang) |
---- | Men's Open - | 林家志 (Charles Lin) | 顏安康 (Raymond Yen) | Harry Kao |
---- | Men's Under 18 - | 王宇恆 (Ken Wang) | Joey Sze | - |
---- |
---- | Women's Above 50 - | 徐惠敏 | 王秀華 | 游玉花 |
---- | Women's Open - | 王秀華 | 徐惠敏 | 蘇夕棻 |
---- | Women's Under 18 - | 尤立馨 (Semantha Yu) | Sharon Yeung | 潘小立 (Lily Pan) |
---- |
---- | Double - A Group | 林家志 (Charles Lin), 王宇恆 (Ken Wang) | 顏安康 (Raymond Yen), Josh Yeh | 孫彥芳, Tony Li
陳明源(Ben Chen), 陳鴻成(Daniel Chen) |
---- | Double - B Group | 尤立馨 (Semantha Yu), 潘小立 (Lily Pan) | 林錦秀(Jennie Lin), 施再峨 (Joey Sze) | 刁本彬(Kathy Diao), 袁綵杉(Paggy Yuen) |
Intra Church Table Tennis Tournament
----- Intra Church Table Tennis Tournament on 1/16/2010
----- Saturday, 10:00AM - 5:00PM
----- Everyone is welcome to join the competition or come as member of cheer
----- team. Registration deadline is 12/31/2009.
| |
| Current Quarter: Sunday Services Schedule of both sessions (xlsx file)
(Sunday Services Schedule 1 (pdf file)
Sunday Services Schedule 2 (pdf file))
| Sunday Services Personnel Contact Info
| Sunday School
Bulletin(週報) |
English Bulletin(英文週報) 早午堂崇拜週報
老週報 Archived Bulletin |
Hymn | When The Spirit Of The Load God's Love Refreshes My Heart Jehovah Is Love
SetMyselfAsSacrifice I Know The Lord Will Make A Way For Me
Prayer List | Main Street Gospel Center Prayer List
| Followings are possible categories:
認識聖教會/ 聖教會園地
聖教會相簿/ 聖教會行事曆
週報下載/ 訪客留言
Sub-Category: 聖教會資料
| 信望愛團契部落格
From Phil Sun: Siblings Testimony, activities' review, info from siblings far way, concerns among us
From David Tsao: Hym's Sheet, Transparency and audio